Day 103e: Seeing the Way to Cee … (July 26, 2019)

I then headed down into the small city of Cee, where I smiled – seeing my first sea-worthy ship in its harbor, and wondering if I really would be one day soon sailing back to my now-older New World …

He who has never left his hearth and has confined his searches to the shorter paths & narrower fields of his own country cannot be even remotely compared to the courageous traveler who has more boldly leapt to lands distant & unfamiliar. For the former has only mastered a routine that promises the Soul-numbing gifts of comfort & safety, while the latter’s Soul is continually scrubbed & polished by the fires of risk and danger. The former becomes stifled by self-centered cowardice, and his Love as such becomes quiet & brittle – suffocated by boredom and mere niceties given to those already well-known. The latter, on the other hand, must continually face the fears of enemy & immerse himself in the angst of other – a fiery crucible indeed, one that simultaneously strengthens the heart and expands one’s circle of soulmates. And so walks the true pilgrim through the world – not seeking to have his travels make a significant impact on himself, but rather to every day himself intend to make a positive impact on every place visited.” ~ inspired by Al Masudi & Mehmet Murat Ildan