Day 103f: Onward, ever onward … (July 26, 2019)

And then ever onward I walked, soon into the neighboring town of Corcubion, a delightful haven where I had received such great kindness back in 2008. I looked briefly for the hotel where I had stayed those 10+ years ago – as I had wanted to offer then-owner Maria an extra heartfelt thanks for the gracious hospitality she had given me those many years ago (not only free coffee and kindness, but a free hotel room for the night as well!), and yet my search proved ultimately fruitless, and ever onward I flowed along The Way …

No man is truly brave who has never walked a hundred miles. In truth, if you want to know the realest essence of who you truly are, set forth and walk until not a single person knows your name. Travel is the greatest leveler and the greatest teacher — sometimes bitter as medicine, often crueler than mirror-glass, and always as radiant as each new day’s rising sun. Indeed, any long stretch of walked road – if it is walked intently towards one’s surroundings & attentively towards the needs of others – will teach you more about yourself than a hundred years of quiet introspection … This means that the path of your life should never be settled by sitting idle and merely thinking about the same. Instead, it must be repeatedly & boldly explored – doing things you’ve never done, taking paths you’ve never taken, and caring for those you’ve never yet loved.” ~ inspired by Patrick Rothfuss & Prem Jagyasi