Day 103k: Returning to the Front … (July 26, 2019)

After having uttered my deepest gratitudes to the Cosmos (and watered the same with spontaneous tears of joy), I headed back down into town to continue along my Way, with the first order of business seeing whether I was going to spend this night in Finisterre or head back out onto The Road. I had passed the Albergue de Paz (The Hostel of Peace) earlier on my way out to the coast, and of course checked in there first to see if the name would fit the place. Alas, at least according to me and my own current journey, it did not (I was ironically quite soundly rejected by its owner) and I continue onward through town to see what I could see and feel what I could feel. I had been told by Walter (and his lovely canine companion Flan) a few days previous that Albergue Espiral (The Spiral Hostel) was the place to BE here in Finisterre, and I found this truly lovely abode easily enough. And true to Walter’s recommendation, there was indeed an incredibly warm vibe pulsing from the place. Head hospitalero Simone is full of love and effusively wishes he could take me in for the night after hearing the tale of my Walk (the hostel was already over-booked by the time I arrived). I told him that there need be no worries and that all would continue to work out just fine, and he vehemently told me to sit down and rest, whereupon he began to shower me with laughter and vegan foodstuffs and wonderful tips about where I might find lodging for the night …

As human beings, we must each make our own separate peace with two dueling realities – with our innate & intimate membership in our inherited global community, and with our uniquely solitary existence in and journey through the same. And our greatest awakening happens when we come to realize that what exists between these two realms is not so much a boundary as it is a passageway ; that the beauties & the challenges in one Universe always arrive in corresponding form in the other, and that it is our job – nay our privilege – to honor the former with amazement (especially in moments of fear or danger) and transcend the latter with Kindness (especially in times of pain, fatigue or illness). We are each called to rediscover for ourselves what Right Living truly looks like, and we can each best do so while reaching out to strangers in bold acts of gentle generosity.” ~ inspired by Eric Meade