Day 103j: Another amour-laden Arrival … (July 26, 2019)

I said my fond farewells to Karl as he headed back down into town, and I stayed behind to proceed alone to Finisterre’s furthest promontory to end the European portion of my Walk officially and offer my heartfelt thanks for it All. Tears of gratitude and joy welled up and overflowed as I did so – knowing that even though for so many of my fellow pilgrims this place was a very real End, for me The Walk was somehow only just commencing. I assume this was why there had not even been the inkling of a temptation to photograph Finisterre’s famous “0.00 km” waymarker. After all, for me there were still so many hundreds of kilometers left to go. And how in the world was I going to make it across this vastness before me? How in the world was I going to make it that oh-so-far horizon and continue my Walk there in the great and wilder West? I had no idea, for sure, and yet my resolve to simply keep placing one foot in front of the other remained firm, and & sighed and then shrugged and then smiled as I turned and headed back towards town …

For the Knowing One, there are no boundaries of land or self. Just as such a true pilgrim cannot look at the sea without wishing for the wings of a swallow, so too cannot he look upon another without longing to show them Love.” ~ inspired by Richard Burton”