Gratitude 22 … Providence

Today I am grateful for Providence — the “Hand of God” always guiding us; both directly — by inspiring us to search for (and perceive) current opportunities to serve, as well as more indirectly — by letting us feel the nature of the actions we are already engaging (otherwise known as intuition, or “hunch”; the […]

Gratitude 23 … Change

Today I am grateful for change — specifically those calls to transition that take the form of loss, pain and any other disturbing destruction of the old; specifically those times when our clinging to what was (and our yearnings for what could be) are ripped from our grasp — making room for a renewal of […]

Gratitude 24 … Virtue

Today I am grateful for Virtue — for the simple fact that, no matter how entrenched our delusions to the contrary become, or how insidious our self-centeredness remains, Love (in all its forms of Virtue) always – and in all Ways — rules the day … Truly, even when we are lost and don’t know […]

Gratitude 25 … Dreams

Today I am grateful for Dreams — both those seen while asleep, as well as those felt while awake … I am initially thankful for the former — for their symbolic reflections of both previous experiences as well as current interactions between my material mind-body and the energies of the Cosmos – what some call […]

Gratitude 26 … Power

Today I am grateful for Power, especially Power in all its less-then-well-known forms — subtle forms that include the Power to intently answer the insincere &/or unneeded call for help, the Power to serve the Universe even when ignored by humanity, the Power to care for those who persecute or ridicule, the Power to joyfully […]

Gratitude 27 … the Past

Today I am grateful for my Past — how those events have co-generated my Here&Now, as well as how they have solidified the person I have decided to Become …   Yes, I realize that there is no such thing as a truly objective recollection of the past.  Our perceptions of time (along with time […]

Gratitude 28 … New Beginnings

Today I am grateful for New Beginnings — namely, the ability in each moment of my life to start anew; to allow my Soul to rise from the ashes of current sins and recent foibles to be reborn into each & every iota of its selfless glory … I am thankful for the ability to […]

Gratitude 29 … “The Mystery”

Today I am grateful for “The Mystery” — namely, the forever unknowable that encompasses the entirety of our lives, including the infinite moments before our Beginning (the existence of conscious energies – or “the Soul” — pre-conception) and the eternal lingering after our End (those energies’ return to the Cosmos after the death of our […]

Gratitude 30 … the Smile

Today I am grateful for the power of the Smile … For whether I am saddened or angry, envious or pained; whether I am worried or resentful, critical or arrogant; whether I am lonely or dejected, fidgety or befuddled — even when I am downright afraid, all I must do to head back towards a […]

Gratitude 31 … Health

Today I am grateful for Health — not so much for the physical sense of well-being that comes from the absence of illness or injury, but rather for a far deeper Health; the sense of Wholeness that washes over us in those moments when we feel a synchronous harmony between what we know, what we […]

Gratitude 32 … Transcendence

Today I am grateful for Transcendence — namely, all those times in my life when I have been downtrodden by circumstances depressing or unfair, and yet have risen regardless into a life of Purpose and Joy … Yes, we all encounter confinements and enemies and temptations in abundance throughout the course of our lives, and […]