Gratitude 30 … the Smile

Today I am grateful for the power of the Smile …

For whether I am saddened or angry, envious or pained; whether I am worried or resentful, critical or arrogant; whether I am lonely or dejected, fidgety or befuddled — even when I am downright afraid, all I must do to head back towards a state of deep Peace is to pause in the face of such discomforts – and smile …


Indeed, whether I am elated or slothful, content or zoned-out; whether I am pleasure-soaked or giddy, silly or entertained; whether I am any other out-of-balance immersion into the realm of the tenuous physical, all I must do to head back towards a state of deep Peace is to pause and smile …

Even if but for one moment, a smile sates me when I am hungry …

Even if but for one moment, a smile quenches my longing when I am thirsty …

Even if but for a moment, a smile energizes my being when I am tired …

Even if but for a moment, a smile makes me Whole when I am ill or injured …

And even if but for a moment, it is a smile that can bring me back to Peace when I am cold or hot or soaked or parched …

And whenever I am already at Peace — whenever I am already accepting of all that IS, am patient with all that is not, am generous with what I have to give, am grateful for what I have already been given, am kind to my fellow human beings, am honest with word or deed, am humble in thought or action, am enamored with the beauty that surrounds me, and have faith in the harmonic overall flow of the Cosmos — then all I must do to maintain this Peace is to pause in silence … and smile.

And so it is that I climb to my proverbial mountaintop, take a deep breath filled with profound reverence, and let loose with a long & loud –

Thank Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!