Gratitude 31 … Health

Today I am grateful for Health — not so much for the physical sense of well-being that comes from the absence of illness or injury, but rather for a far deeper Health; the sense of Wholeness that washes over us in those moments when we feel a synchronous harmony between what we know, what we think, what we feel and what we do.  As such, this greater Health for which I am thankful is not visited upon me at random, but is rather a choice I am free to make any time I wish …

It is important to remember that such perfect Wholeness is not known in times of physical pleasure or emotional ease, but is rather purely experienced solely in those instances when we are afraid or in pain and yet seek to Care for others anyway. Maybe our humble Caring is for a stranger …

… and maybe it is for a child.

Maybe that Caring is for an animal …

… and maybe that Caring is for our surroundings.

Maybe, just maybe, that pristine embodiment of Caring is given to meld with the will of our own Soul.

And yet regardless of the “why” of it all, it is well worth remembering that our purest sense of Wholeness is not known in times of mere emotional happiness, but is rather most profoundly experienced in those moments when we are rejected or ridiculed or rescinded, and yet go forth to fulfill our purpose anyway — when we are sad or angry or afraid, and yet choose to forgive the sources of the same.

For this is what it means to be truly Human — this is what it means to be truly Whole – and therefore this is what it means to know true Health.

And so it is that I climb to my proverbial mountaintop, take a deep breath filled with profound reverence, and let loose with a long & loud –

Thank Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!