Gratitude 24 … Virtue

Today I am grateful for Virtue — for the simple fact that, no matter how entrenched our delusions to the contrary become, or how insidious our self-centeredness remains, Love (in all its forms of Virtue) always – and in all Ways — rules the day …

Truly, even when we are lost and don’t know where to turn, Love is showering us with its guidance still — for there is always an opportunity to extend Kindness …


Truly, even when we are steeped in the battles of conflict & discord, Love is always an option — for there is always an opportunity to forgive and ask forgiveness …

Truly, even when we feel helpless and disempowered after having lost or known failure, Love provides us with victory — for there is always an opportunity to make the enemy into a Friend; to celebrate his/her victories as your own …

When we are tempted to criticize & condemn, Virtue is there — enCouraging us to unconditionally Accept others as they are.

When we are tempted to cling & worry, Virtue is there — enCouraging us to simply set forth and do what there is to be done.

When we are tempted to gather & hoard, Virtue is there — enCouraging us to give what we have to give.

When we are tempted to envy others, Virtue is there — enCouraging us to be grateful for what we already have.

When we are tempted to turn away from suffering, Virtue is there — enCouraging us to care for strangers as Family.

When we are tempted to manipulate & deceive, Virtue is there — enCouraging us to be ourSelves and to let others do the same.

When we are tempted to “understand” & “be certain”, Virtue is there — enCouraging us to do good — especially when unsure.

When we are tempted to be bored & “be normal”, Virtue is there — enCouraging us to see Wonder and be wondrous.

When we are tempted to doubt & dogmatize, Virtue is there — enCouraging us to avoid judgment and simply Do Good.

Virtue, our ability to transcend self-centered instinct in favor of selfless kindness & compassion, is always an option — one that is always Right, and one that is always available.

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And so it is that I climb to my proverbial mountaintop, take a deep breath filled with profound reverence, and let loose with a long & loud –

Thank Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!