Gratitude 26 … Power

Today I am grateful for Power, especially Power in all its less-then-well-known forms — subtle forms that include the Power to intently answer the insincere &/or unneeded call for help, the Power to serve the Universe even when ignored by humanity, the Power to care for those who persecute or ridicule, the Power to joyfully engage the service that demands self-sacrifice, and the Power to set aside personal goals in order to work towards furthering the goals of others …

And I am thankful that to enliven and experience this Power, all that is often required is to simply sit still; consciously enraptured by the awe-filled Beauty of life and all things living, consciously choosing to See the Good in every man and woman (even those behaving otherwise), consciously seeking for opportunities to be of service — while intending to engage them once seen …

I am thankful for the Power that allows all sentient beings to travel without moving, to hear others’ needs even while humming our own, to see the Grace of the All even with eyes held tightly shut in fear, and to Love those we don’t even like …

And I am thankful today for the Power I have been given to re-make my own life in any way I see fit … Yes, there is an objective Reality within and all around me, and yes, I am indeed required to flow in accordance with that Reality’s parameters and energetic laws.  And yet, it is I & I alone who decides how I feel about life and its Living.  It is I & I alone who choose what I shall do and why I shall do it.  It is I & I alone who is the sole arbiter as to my worth as a Human Being.  It is I & I alone who can decide to serve witness to the beauties of the Cosmos.  It is I & I alone who can choose to be grateful for the challenges set before me.  And it is I & I alone who can thereafter decide to Love the sources of my discomfort — to make my existence revolve around the betterment of others’ lives, as opposed to the furthered comforts of my own.


And this is true Power indeed … in-deed!


And so it is that I climb to my proverbial mountaintop, take a deep breath filled with profound reverence, and let loose with a long & loud –

Thank Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!