Gratitude 28 … New Beginnings

Today I am grateful for New Beginnings — namely, the ability in each moment of my life to start anew; to allow my Soul to rise from the ashes of current sins and recent foibles to be reborn into each & every iota of its selfless glory …

I am thankful for the ability to see Wonder & miracle, where before I was mired in the doldrums of routine and the “normal” …

I am thankful for the ability to be Appreciative, where before I focused in envy upon others’ joys and successes …

I am thankful for the ability to Give graciously, where before I was intent on protecting and caring for my possessions …

I am thankful for the ability to rise up & simply Do Good, where before I waited for services “more powerful” or times “better” …

I am thank for the ability to Forgive my enemies as they are, where before I longed for them to “be nicer” or “wake up” …

I am thankful for the ability to truly Care for strangers, where before I kept them at a “safe distance” …

I am thankful for the ability to be my True Self with Courage, where before I simply “towed the line” …

I am thankful for the ability to serve with Humility, where before I gave arrogant advice or scathing criticism …

I am thankful for the ability to have Faith to be a powerful Force for Harmony, where before I thought I was “only human” …


So often I have stumbled into self-centeredness, and so often I have drifted into a lifeless existence — ruled by routine, governed by conventions, and tainted by temptations.  And yet I have always been given the Grace — no matter how far I happened to have strayed in the past or how far I might stray again in the future — to return to my gentle, caring True Self; to set aside all my past failures and transgressions to be re-Born into the Here&Now as a Champion of the Loving Way.

It is the choice we all have — when we want to say “No” to a request for assistance but then lend a helping hand anyway; when we endure great pain and yet profess sincere gratitude for life itself anyway; when we have something taken from us and yet give to those who have taken it anyway, when we lose and yet celebrate with those who have defeated us anyway, and when we have been abandoned and yet Love those who have betrayed us anyway …

And so it is that I climb to my proverbial mountaintop, take a deep breath filled with profound reverence, and let loose with a long & loud –

Thank Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!