How can I keep from “being used”? … (09/16/08)

While “being used” and selfless service may look very similar on the outside (both are actions that appear to be self-sacrificial), they are internally EXTREMELY different. When we are “being used” by another, it is an unpleasant experience that is unwanted and causes pain &/or fatigue — it is something that is forced upon us […]

on pride & “the pain of elevation” … (09/06/09)

Recently, a friend of mine was struggling with something he called “the pain of elevation” — that frustration (sometimes manifesting itself as disgust) some of us feel for those who have yet to adopt the ideals or behaviors that we perceive to be “better” or “higher”. As far as this “pain of elevation” is concerned, […]

Are there real miracle-workers? … (09/05/09)

So often we look for “miracle-workers” to amaze us —  to somehow bulwark our hope for God’s existence; to support the comforting belief that even if we can’t save ourselves, God just might do our saving for us. Of course, we know on a deeper level that this “faith” is both tenuous and brittle.  After […]

How can I reconnect with the Divine? … (09/04/09)

From the moment of our birth into this world until the moment we pass from it, our ego-minds are constantly striving to fulfill one mission: to keep us alive for as long as possible. And while it is reasonable to follow this guidance, adhering to this fearful mindset actually leads us away from actions that […]

How can I help bring social change? … (08/29/09)

A few thoughts on social change … Consider the following: 1)  Resistance ensures persistence — always & allWays.  Anything that is railed against or attacked (verbally, emotionally or physically) inevitably attempts to defend itself and thereby becomes stronger.  Thus, all those who actively fight for freedom actually end up furthering the cause of their oppressors.  […]

Is abortion wrong? … (08/27/13)

CHOOSING LIFE … some uncommon thoughts on abortion The other day I was asked my thoughts about abortion, namely whether I considered myself to be pro-life or pro-choice … I answered “Yes”. Allow me to explain … Seeing as how abortion is such a highly emotional topic, it could be helpful for me to first […]

How to live a Meaning-full Life … (08/01/12)

“The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.” ~ Joseph Campbell A youtube video entitled “Top Tips for a Beautiful Life” went viral some time ago, and , upon seeing it again recently, I thought I would provide some fresh perspective … […]

Should we fight for friendships? … (07/30/08)

Oftentimes, one or more of the relationships in our lives reaches a clear point of separation — when one (or more) of our friends is clearly moving in a “different direction” than we are, or has adopted a set of beliefs that simply do not harmonize with our own. Sometimes it is we who are […]

When should we get Started? … (07/25/08)

What are YOU Doing? “You may have lived for 30 years, or you may have lived for 80.  Regardless, it is time to ask yourself:  What have you really done with your life? … Avoid dismissing the question by believing that you’re going to fulfill your Life Purpose later in this life or more fully […]

Who should we follow? … (07/24/08)

“A flash of lightning does not light your path, it does not serve you like a lamp in your hand; it only gives you a flash, a glimpse of the road ahead. But this single glimpse is very precious; now your feet are firm, now your will is strong, now your resolve to reach your […]

How should we deal with a “cold partner”? … (07/23/08)

Many of us are faced with partners (be they friends or lovers) who are not upholding “their end of the deal” — who are distanced, non-communicative, and generally not giving us the Love we feel we deserve. What is there to do in such situations? Well, the only “solution” I have is the same one […]