How to live a Meaning-full Life … (08/01/12)

“The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.” ~ Joseph Campbell

A youtube video entitled “Top Tips for a Beautiful Life” went viral some time ago, and , upon seeing it again

recently, I thought I would provide some fresh perspective …

There is nothing wrong with striving for a life that is beautiful, of course. And following a lot of the video’s advice could very well make you “happy”.

And yet it is quite possible that there is more out there for you — a lot more.

It is quite possible that we are not here merely to strive for happiness. It is quite possible that we are here to rediscover a Way of Living that is full of Meaning & Purpose & Peace.

as allWays, enJOY …

for a beautiful life: “Take a 30 minute walk each day while smiling.”

for a Meaning-full life: take the same walk, yet do so looking to give others that smile.


for a beautiful life: “Sit in silence for 10 minutes each day.”

for a Meaning-full life: Sit in silence while LISTENING to others.


for a beautiful life: “When you wake each morning, set a goal.”

for a Meaning-full life: Make that goal a guideline, and make it one of Kindness.


for a beautiful life: Llive with the three E’s — energy enthusiasm & empathy.”

for a Meaning-full life: Make sure the first two always support the last one.


for a beautiful life: “Live with the three F’s — faith, family & friends.”

for a Meaning-full life: Make sure the first vastly enlarges the group of people who qualify for the latter two.


for a beautiful life: “Spend more time with folks over the age of 70 and under the age of 6.”

for a Meaning-full life: See the elderly & all children as your greatest teachers (especially the children). Spend more face-to-face time with them — and everyone else — period.


for a beautiful life: “Try to make at least three people smile today.”

for a Meaning-full life: Offer a smile to three people every hour.


for a beautiful life: “Laugh — it keeps the energy vampires away.”

for a Meaning-full life: Be radically Kind to all energy vampires — they need it more than anyone else.


for a beautiful life: “Understand that life isn’t fair, but that it’s still good.”

for a Meaning-full life: Realize that the fact that life seems unfair is what makes it so Good. [i.e. your Love is most powerful when things are going really poorly]


for a beautiful life: “Don’t take yourself too seriously — no one else does.”

for a Meaning-full life: Remember that even your smallest deeds of Kindness have immense significance — Have fun while engaging them.


for a beautiful life: “You don’t have to win every argument — agree to disagree.”

for a Meaning-full life: Agreeing to disagree is a coward’s way to maintain discord. Have the humility & the courage to agree to agree instead.


for a beautiful life: “Make peace with your past, so it won’t mess up your present.”

for a Meaning-full life: Living completely for others in the present IS the only way to completely make peace with your past.


for a beautiful life: “Don’t save anything for a special occasion — today is special enough.”

for a Meaning-full life: Use your best on “the worst” — everyone is worthy of your Love.


for a beautiful life: “Call your family often.”

for a Meaning-full life: Be Kind to your enemies even more often than that.


for a beautiful life: “Time heals everything — give time, time.”

for a Meaning-full life: Love is the only lasting Healing; a Healing that is complete and instantaneous the moment that Love is radically given.


for a beautiful life: “Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or enjoyable.”

for a Meaning-full life: Cleansing your home means nothing if your Soul remains tarnished in self-focus. Cleanse your home, yes, just be sure to turn your unneeded possessions into Gifts when you do so.


for a beautiful life: “The best is yet to come.”

for a Meaning-full life: your true BEST will never arrive until you awaken and realize that it is allReady here.


for a beautiful life: “Do the right thing.”

for a Meaning-full life: Remember that Love is allWays Right.