Are there real miracle-workers? … (09/05/09)

So often we look for “miracle-workers” to amaze us —  to somehow bulwark our hope for God’s existence; to support the comforting belief that even if we can’t save ourselves, God just might do our saving for us.

Of course, we know on a deeper level that this “faith” is both tenuous and brittle.  After all, what kind of faith needs the assurances of miracles?   Jesus himself kept telling others that it wasn’t “miracles” he was performing at all, and that even if they were, that he wasn’t the one doing them — that his amazing healings came not from him but from the faith of those who were healed.

Indeed, when looking for a “True Prophet” to guide us, the performance of miracles itself is irrelevant.  It is the purpose behind such displays that evidences either the presence of the Divine or Its absence … If a miracle worker is furthering his or her own political or religious or financial agenda, then those “miracles” are worthless mirages.  If, on the other hand, he/she is healing others anonymously &/or not for financial gain, then you can be sure that you are in the presence of one who is steeped in the power of The Way — a power that is just as readily yours as it is his or hers.

You see, the power of any true Miracle comes not from what is done, but from the humble & selfless Love that founds its doing.

Re-member this as you go forth today — stop looking for miracles, and let your “radical kindness” make a few of your own!