Day 099q: The Middle of every Moment … (July 22, 2019)

“Life itself singular and fleeting, so we would all do well to treat every day like a pilgrimage. Wise Men rarely rest by roadside inns. Instead, they spend their days striding directly into the illimitable domain of eternal bliss; the ultimate destination that resides where we all already reside; the end-all-be-all foundation at the center […]

Day 099r: Seeking to be Worthy … (July 22, 2019)

On this segment of the Camino, there happens to be a bridge made of stone that crosses a cool & beautiful stream along this segment of the Camino; a bridge that Ire remembered quite fondly from y previous Walk those 11+ years ago, and I will admit that I was indeed looking forward to pausing […]

Day 099s: Walking in the eyes of God … (July 22, 2019)

“In the eyes of God, we are all so easy to carry – all as light as the ether and all as radiant as starlight. And so it is that I pray for you to walk through life accordingly. Yes, I pray that your journey will always be smooth & steadfast, and that all those […]

Day 099t: Omitting the next Oasis … (July 22, 2019)

It was then that I came across yet another non-donativo rest-stop for pilgrims, and it was then that I once more chose to flow smoothly by the same – not wanting to taint my own cause by even indirectly “asking” for assistance, and just as ardently not wanting to tempt any others to “give” to […]

Day 099u: Leaving their Hearts no choice … (July 22, 2019)

And so indeed onward I walked – on & on & on along The Way – until I once again came upon a small cadre of fellow travelers; this time in the form of Ashleigh & Ann & Peggy; with the latter of whom being effusively supportive of my Walk, and the former two being […]

Day 099v: Well met along The Way … (July 22, 2019)

And then it was that I entered the tiny wayside hamlet of O Rio, rounded a gentle bend in The Road, and glanced to my left to see a small pilgrims’ rest-stop* encouraging me to feel welcome there. And so it was that I indeed decided to pause there for a time and rest in […]

Day 099w: A mobile place of Rest … (July 22, 2019)

What I didn’t know about Sean & Jannicke – a fact that made their gracious generosity towards me all the more remarkable – was that this night was Jannicke & Sean’s last one together; that Jannicke’s time with Sean in the hostel had fluidly passed and that she was actually leaving to return to Norway […]

Day 100a: Light to a newer Darkness … (July 23, 2019)

All things considered, I woke smoothly in the very early morn after a relatively sound night’s sleep (the latter despite being thrice woken in my slumber – once by a cat staring at me from nearby, once by a mouse in my bed – whose presence was probably inspired by the aforementioned cat, and once […]

Day 100b: Walking early with fellow Friends … (July 23, 2019)

There were few things finer on my pilgrimage* than walking The Road immersed in the thrumming peace of the pre-dawn darkness, though one of the things that made this particular morning even more contentment-laden was munching on the small bag of nuts & dried fruit that Shaun had left out for me to take along […]

Day 100c: There is comfort, and there is Comfort … (July 23, 2019)

The pilgrim ever remembers that there are the comforts of the body – cool droughts and hearty food and soothing rest-stops along the way – and then there are the Comforts of the Soul – smiling upon sour strangers and giving one’s last morsel to a fellow traveler who hungers and walking ever onward no […]

Day 100d: A stop that calls to Continue … (July 23, 2019)

I found myself thinking that it’s really not how far we walk that determines our Success or Failure, but rather how we walk (i.e. for whom) while walking that counts. Similarly, it matter not how long we live at all, but rather only how (and for whom) we choose to Care while alive that matters. […]