Day 099t: Omitting the next Oasis … (July 22, 2019)

It was then that I came across yet another non-donativo rest-stop for pilgrims, and it was then that I once more chose to flow smoothly by the same – not wanting to taint my own cause by even indirectly “asking” for assistance, and just as ardently not wanting to tempt any others to “give” to a fellow traveler from anywhere but the Heart …

And here is the path to the much higher life: down, down, and down again – all the way down to one’s very lowest self – all the way down to where one becomes noting but a servant of all & the everything. Just as water always seeks and flows toward and ultimately fills the lowest and most stable place, so too the Divine seeks and flows towards and ultimately finds & rests within all who choose to make their lives about giving instead of receiving – about loving instead of being loved – about serving instead of being showered with grace & comfort – about walking for peace instead of harvesting the same.” ~ inspired by Andrew Murray