Day 099v: Well met along The Way … (July 22, 2019)

And then it was that I entered the tiny wayside hamlet of O Rio, rounded a gentle bend in The Road, and glanced to my left to see a small pilgrims’ rest-stop* encouraging me to feel welcome there. And so it was that I indeed decided to pause there for a time and rest in the shade – and so it was that Sean & Jannicke (the stewards of that rest-stop’s neighboring hostel) came out to greet me warmly – and so it was that they joyously offered me delicious vegan sustenance and loving kindness while I regaled them with tales of & from my Walk – and so it was that two more Soulmates became well-met along The Way …

Most lives are not distinguished by any astounding successes or great achievements. Rather, they are for more accurately measured by an almost infinite number of smaller ones. For each time we do a kindness for a stranger or forgive an enemy or bring a smile to the face of a friend, it gives our lives by far their deepest Meaning. And opportunities to enliven such micro-triumphs are truly ubiquitous – overflowing in their readiness in every single instant. So never doubt your worth, my dear friends. No matter how “weak” or “small” or “insignificant” you think you are, the truth ever remains that our world would be a far more dismal place without you in it. Remember this as you set forth into your next day – and remember to act accordingly.” ~ inspired by Lisa Kleypas

It’s not really the journey itself that is important – how far or for how long or even how we travel at all. No, the only thing that is truly important is 01) that we choose to set forth with boldness, and 02) that we treat the ones we encounter with loving kindness along the way.” ~ inspired by Jeremy Aldana

*Shaun Dean
Cl. Santa Maria de la Castaneda
15810 Arzúa (a Coruna)