Day 100a: Light to a newer Darkness … (July 23, 2019)

All things considered, I woke smoothly in the very early morn after a relatively sound night’s sleep (the latter despite being thrice woken in my slumber – once by a cat staring at me from nearby, once by a mouse in my bed – whose presence was probably inspired by the aforementioned cat, and once when the entire trailer rocked to the right and then dramatically pitched forward onto its hitch with a thunk that had me first waking in a startled rush and then scrambling amusingly to right myself and make everything level once more). It then proved to be no great difficulty – despite the still-think gloom of per-sunrise darkness – to get all my things together and head back out onto The Way; pausing briefly as I did so to silently wish my Freebird friends (who were seen bustling about from that still-near distance – getting Jannicke ready to begin her own early-day journey back to Norway) all the best on their own respective journeys through this glorious Life …

No poet of any real worth or merit ever wrote an ode that dishonored life, or compromised higher ideals, or scorned the most spiritual views of the Soul, or demeaned the glimmerings of hope or gratitude, or argued against compassion or tenderness, or placed rancor before love, or praised the mean smallnesses of callousness or accumulation or comfort or safety. Not one of them has ever done so – not ever.” ~ via Mary Oliver