Day 099r: Seeking to be Worthy … (July 22, 2019)

On this segment of the Camino, there happens to be a bridge made of stone that crosses a cool & beautiful stream along this segment of the Camino; a bridge that Ire remembered quite fondly from y previous Walk those 11+ years ago, and I will admit that I was indeed looking forward to pausing there awhile to bathe my feet in the cool waters and rest for a time in solitude. And yet when I indeed rounded that bend and saw the same, I found that Mauricio from Italy had already arrived with exactly the same intentions. It turned out that he was on his 12th Camino pilgrimage, and it also turned out that he really wasn’t at all interested in my own equally worthy Walk, so I respectfully wished him well on his equally worthy Way and proceeded onward along my own …

I am not concerned that I am neither known nor appreciated nor honored; I only seek to be every day worthy of the same.” ~ via Confucius