March 12 … Co-Creative Communication

Create a new word this morning, using whatever means you desire to do so (e.g. drawing “random” letters, inverting the spelling of a favorite town or author, etc.) … Afterwards, give your new word a definition (one that is related somehow to Contentment or Creativity or Peace or Kindness) … Finally, use your word in […]

March 13 … Inspiring Laughter

“Humorize” your answering machine message or cell-phone message service this morning.  If you’re not good with accents or aren’t feeling particularly clever, simply tell a good, clean, uplifting joke on your inbox recording. Bonus Activity:  Look for ways today to make others smile or laugh with either your words &/or your actions (e.g. dance in […]

March 14 … Providing Shelter

Take three (3) light blankets (or 3 thick sheets) and distribute them to the first three (3) homeless people you encounter today … Just as powerful, after you have done so, take the time to ask those people how they’re doing.  If they are interested, ask as well for them to share their stories related […]

March 15 … Eating Right

Today is a day for Healthy Sustenance.  To that end, you are to eat only small, cruelty free (i.e. 100% plant-based) meals every two hours all day.  This means that no traditional “big meals” are allowed.  Also, you are not to eat anything other than fruit after 6 pm.  Also, in place of your latter […]

March 16 … Journeying Within

Sensory Deprivation is a powerful tool that awakens the True Self by inspiring visualizations of how that Self can reawaken into Being.  To begin to engage this tool, arrange to have an hour of uninterrupted time alone today.  Fill your bathtub with water that is slightly warm & add a healthy portion of salt (sea […]

March 17 … Sensory Activation

Pause for a few minutes every hour today to be deeply Aware of your existence, by choosing to sense the Wonders of Life all around you. Then be grateful for this Gift — in that you choose to act accordingly. Bonus Activity:  Inform at least one other person of everything amazing you choose to re-Perceive […]

March 18 … getting Involved

Call a local branch of an “Action Group” today and ask about volunteer opportunities.  Mention that you are grateful for all the hard work they do to make our world a better place in which to Live.  Here is contact information for a few of them:   Habitat for Humanity – 121 Habitat St., Americus, […]

March 19 … getting Fed

Eat lunch at a local soup kitchen* …  Remember to interact with the workers there as though they are long-lost Friends.  Indeed, they ARE! *Many churches have information regarding your community’s soup-kitchen schedule(s).

March 20 … providing Sustenance

Volunteer at a local soup kitchen*… Remember to interact with the patrons there as though they are long-lost friends.  Indeed, they ARE! *Many churches have information regarding your community’s soup-kitchen schedule(s).

March 21 … getting Grace-full

Today is a day for moving Grace-fully, pausing every hour to move slowly & purposefully for one (1) full minute.  For this activity to be truly effective, slow down and divide your actions into their component movements, making each motion an act in & of itself.  Pay careful attention while doing so … Thereafter, for […]

March 22 … Redefining Needs

Redefine your “survival needs” today … Eat frugally for breakfast.  Make a small “brown bag” lunch consisting of granola, yogurt and fresh fruit.  Drink only water or tea all day (and lots of it) … Remember, the goal is not to suffer, but rather to realize how little your body truly needs to remain healthy […]