March 01 … Faithful Flow

Hitchhike to a destination more than one mile (& less than 5 miles) away (do so with a friend “if necessary”) … Be Kind to others along the way – both those who give you rides and those who pass your by, and then hitchhike home again.  Note: remember to take along small gifts to […]

March 02 … Shadow Vision

Pay attention to shadows today, repeatedly finding the line where light ends and shade begins … Watch the sun dip behind the clouds, and often go somewhere to sit in the shade.  Later this evening go into a dark room alone, light one candle, place a large book between you and its flame, and sit […]

March 03 … Sacred Space

Go to a nearby plot of “wilderness” and tend a corner of it.  Clean it up, rearranging its features to enhance its “Feel”.  Using only natural materials from nearby, “decorate” it as well (while leaving it looking relatively “natural”) …  Finally, sit in your Sacred Space and dedicate it to the Community as a place […]

March 04 … Time Travel

Today, alter your Time-Awareness.  To do so, set your watch 30 minutes “fast” this morning and go the entire morning being “early.”  After lunch, set your watch 30 minutes “slow” and go the entire afternoon being punctually “late” …   Bonus Activity:  Set all the clocks in your house to different times, making sure a […]

March 05… Relieving Burdens

Ask a neighbor to share three (3) of the most nagging concerns about their current lives.  Pick one of them & somehow find a way to anonymously ease that burden.

March 06 … emPowering your Freedom

Take a few minutes this morning and list three (3) of your commitments (promises you have made to others &/or duties that you have accepted).  Now openly release yourself from each of them by writing “I am still Free” next to each … Finally, and most importantly, find a way today to voluntarily and actively […]

March 07 … Releasing Embarrassment

Today is the day for you to purposefully fall down or slip in public … Do so at three (3) different times, in three (3) different places, and in three (3) different ways.  Try to do so nearby someone who seems a bit “down in the dumps”, and remember to laugh with yourself after each […]

March 08 … enhancing Sensation

Consciously smell your Life today.  To do so, spend at least a few minutes in or near a forest (or park), a florist, a bakery, a butcher, a dumpster, a public market, a public bathroom, a hospital, &/or a coffee shop (or tea house).  In each location visited, close your eyes, cover your ears and […]

March 09 … To give the Giving

Head to an unfamiliar part of your town or city, stop on a street corner there and ask others for directions to a destination that is within your current line-of-sight.  Then, after they point it out to you, smile and thank them profusely for their help. Bonus Activity:  Place a cup of water or some […]

March 10 … Cleansing the Past

List three (3) regrets related either to past actions that you did and “shouldn’t have done”, or past deeds that you didn’t do but “should have.”  Write them all down on a piece of paper and carry them with you today, referring to them every hour on the hour and – after briefly remembering them […]

March 11 … Cleansing the Future

List three (3) worries related to some future “crisis” that either could or “probably will” happen to you … Write each of them on a piece of paper and carry them with you today.  Refer to them every hour on the hour and – after briefly remembering them – let them go with an all-accepting […]