March 02 … Shadow Vision

Pay attention to shadows today, repeatedly finding the line where light ends and shade begins … Watch the sun dip behind the clouds, and often go somewhere to sit in the shade.  Later this evening go into a dark room alone, light one candle, place a large book between you and its flame, and sit peacefully there in the shadow cast thereby.  After a few minutes, light several more candles, making sure that their shadows can be clearly seen as well.  Realize as you do so that this same demarcation between light and shadow – between kindness and callousness; between “good” and “evil” – lives within every single sentient being on Earth.  Go to bed vowing to remember this lesson the next time you encounter anyone you might otherwise label as being “mean” or “a jerk” or “ a liar” or “a thief” – and then act accordingly towards them; seeing the Great Light that ever resides within them as you do so and extending them the appropriate gentleness merited thereby.

Bonus Activity:  With the candles lit, play a favorite song & dance with your shadow(s).