AGBS — course intro (03/17/10) …

In essence, I have been steadily becoming a “Biblical Scholar” in my own right for over seven years, and my increasing Love for the brilliant depths of Truth embedded within the Bible’s verses has finally led to me being asked to lead this Study.

My only real personal goal with these Teachings is to liberate all those in attendance (both those I meet face-to-face in the Chattanooga-area meetings as well as those who “attend” by listening to the mp3 class-recordings) from the condemnatory underpinnings of conservative Christian (and conservative Jewish) dogma; that set of religious “damned or saved”, “believers vs. nonbelievers”  tenants that keep Christians from practicing the deeper Truths of Jesus’ Way and that keep non-Christians from exploring those Truths at all.

Scholarship of any kind is per se a fluid affair, and as such I make no claims that everything mentioned in the Bible Study will remain “100% accurate”.  What I CAN promise each of you is the following:

1)  at least at the time these handouts were compiled and these recordings were made, the scholarship mentioned was sound and fair — a reasonable representation of the contents of the ancient Biblical manuscripts,

2) more importantly, that I personally tested each of the theories presented herein, most of them many times in many different environments, and that I only presented the interpretations that led to “Good Fruit” during those experiments.

It will be up to each of you, of course, first to have the humility to listen to these “Avant Garde” Biblical theories, and then to have the Courage to test them for yourselves in your everyday lives …

I wager that — regardless of your religious inclinations — doing so will bring you a measure of profound Peace & Joy.  That. at least, is my intention.