Day 115b: Yet another Trifecta of Tenderness … (August 22, 2019)

I soon found myself walking through downtown Philadelphia, not knowing exactly which route was best to take, and yet flowing easily southward nonetheless. And as was this Walk’s custom, I chose to regularly stop along my route to let folks know what I was doing and humbly ask for a glass of water – to stay hydrated on the one hand, yes, but much more so gently & powerfully spread the Word of Kindness. And the first such pit-stop made on this day was in a local 7-11, where I was surprised to have my smiling request for water soundly rejected by the on hand owner (“Do you have your own cup?”). And yet my man Jermaine, a local Good Samaritan, came to humanity’s rescue and purchased me a bottle of water with what little change he had on hand. A few yards further on, Drexel University security guard Greg was exceptionally kind to me outside a university library (encouraging me on my Walk, and guiding me towards the best route to take through the city), and then finally the adage “All good things come in threes” proved true once more when Adnan at my Walk’s next 7-11 pit stop proved to be just as kind as his previous 7-11 compatriots had not …

The human body resonates at the same frequency as the Earth. So instead of only focusing on trying to save the Earth, which ultimately operates in congruence to our own chosen vibrations, maybe it is more important (and almost certainly more effective) to be actively One with each other. If we really want to remedy the Earth, we have to mend our relationship to others – human & non-human alike. Indeed, that is the only way. The Earth will exist onward with or without us. And yet if she is sick – an in truth she is, it is because we humans are collectively sick in our sense of selfish separation. And yet if we choose to re-harmonize our own vibrations – to intentionally shift them selfish to selfless, from taking to giving, from callous to caring, from hardhearted to kind – the the Earth will have no choice but to react accordingly.” ~ via Suzy Kassem