Day 115a: The beauty of the Brotherly … (August 22, 2019)

I was feeling physically & emotionally fantastic this morning as I once again set out along The Way, a path that wound and weaved amongst man-made monoliths that almost haughtily showed off their own sense of grace & splendor in the sparkling morning sunlight. I guess great Beauty, too, can even be found in places far away from Nature’s greener grandeur …

Walking is such a wonderful experience, especially when one forgets one is walking. For it is when we forget we are walking that we can more clearly see – and then more fully appreciate — whatever we happen upon. Those who are not nearly as attentive – those who choose instead to look into themselves & their own thoughts & daydreams when they travel will neither notice what there is to see nor correctly marvel over the same. Pilgrimage, on the other hand – or any other form of attentive motion, always leads to wonderment. For in such traveling there is no distinction between the viewer and the seen, with the former experiencing everything around him or herself as but an expression of the totality of his or herself; so much so that every blade of grass, every mountain, every lake, and even every building is alive and is a connected part of the viewer. When there is no more division between the you and the other, this is the ultimate experience of walking … I am a person who only understands life completely – lyrically, musically, vibrationally. I am a person in whom feelings are just as strong as reason; a person whose choice to fully feel has indeed become the most logical. I have become so thirsty for the marvelous that only the marvelous has power over me, and in truth only the omnipresent marvelous is seen. Anything I can not transform into something marvelous, I recognize as a personal failing, and I either see that thing anew as wondrous or focus elsewhere upon a neighboring miracle. Reality and the familiar and the normal and the boring doesn’t exist for me. I only believe in intoxication, in ecstasy, in beauty, and in awe. So whenever ordinary life attempts again to shackle me, I escape, one way or another, into the world of the scintillating & the synchronous. I am the master of my witnessing, and no more walls will ever contain me.” ~ inspired by Liezi & Anais Nin