Day 113j: Looking for the next Layover … (August 20, 2019)

On & on & on I walked into the deepening night, along a surprisingly heavily-trafficked roadway all the way to the town of Croydon, where I tried to sleep in huge roadside warehouse that was under construction there. And yet the place proved to be too loud and well-lit and waterless for a rest-stop, and so onward I wobbled – back out onto the thin and poorly lit shoulders of Bristol State Road, wandering on into the night, half-sleeping & half-walking along The Way, until I finally came to a multi-business industrial park, where I tried in vain to sleep on a hard and dusty bench in front of Bitzer Fluid Handlers …

Humility is not a one time lesson that comes when we have lost everything. Rather, it is a daily reminder of both how far we have come since our fledgling beginnings, and how far we still are from the beings we can be. Blessed is the Soul that recognizes that even though he indeed not yet close to moving mountains, the Divine is still calling for him to inspire others to one day do the same.” ~ via Shannon Alder