Day 113i: Letting go; letting Love … (August 20, 2019)

I then entered the town of Bristol proper as the day began to shift into early evening. I was tired and a bit gimpy by this point in the day’s walking, and I thought that Bristol would be the place where I would lay my head for the night. And yet no ready-made home-free domiciles (porches or patios or park benches) availed themselves that day, and the two Catholic churches I stopped by – first St. Mark’s and then St. Anne’s – were less than hospitable as well (with the latter “graciously” offering to let me sleep on the ground in its street-side courtyard garden; a “gift” that was far more graciously rejected than it was offered). And so it was that once more I came to the end of another day of walking, only to find that the day of walking was not nearly at its end …

The more we go with the flow of life and surrender the outcome to the Divine, and the less we seek constant clarity or assurance, the more we will find that fabulous things start to show up in life … Indeed, if we are quiet & humble enough, we will hear the flow of the Universe. We will feel its steady rhythm, and when we choose to go with this heavenly flow, joy and peace are ever up ahead … So why are you keeping your fists clenched? Open them, my friend!. Open them and let what comes come. Open them and let what goes go. You are already being given much more than what your fists can hold. So smile and open them – open them all the way.” ~ inspired by Mandy Hale, G. Buddha & Shunya