Day 113h: When the giving keeps on Gifting … (August 20, 2019)

I thereafter made it to the outskirts of Bristol, where the Calvary Baptists Church food pantry justy happens to be in full swing. I enter with a gentle smile and sit for a time with everyone there – answering their questions about The Walk while sipping gratefully on the cold water they had given me. Interestingly enough, I had absolutely no desire tor receive anything else from them (Yes I was quite hungry, and yet it is almost impossible for any Peace Pilgrim to willingly take any food that has been designated for the local downtrodden), and yet Frances & Co. assured me repeatedly that they had more than enough for everyone and that they would be honored to offer me some sustenance as well – in the form of a huge bagful of day-old bagels, the majority of which I then reverently passed along to my local animal friends shortly thereafter …

The intimate sense of self-awareness we can experience bubbling up in every moment is rooted in the very originating activity of the Universe. We are all of us arising together at the invisible Center of the Cosmos. When we were younger, we thought we were no bigger than our physical bodies, and yet now we are older (and at least a bit wiser) and are ever rediscovering that we are all actually deeply connected participants in the continuous co-arising of the entire Universe. Awakening to our larger identity as both unique and inseparably connected with the vastness of the scintillating All transforms our feelings of existential separation into experiences of subtle communion – as co-participants in the constant & far greater Cosmic Burgeoning. When we choose to be generous and gentle and kind with those around us, we are far richer, deeper, more complex, and more alive than we ever once thought possible.” ~ inspired by Alexis Karpouzos