Day 110f: When Love & Life become One … (August 17, 2019)

One of the waitresses at the diner found out the location of the local library and I headed out to find the same – hoping for some cool respite from the heat, and maybe an alternate route to the terrifying (and very hard on the feet) faux-shoulders of Highway 1 … I crossed the highway to do so, and hadn’t gone very far when I stopped in at a nearby frame shop to make sure I wouldn’t wander too errantly on this latest quest (the diner waitress hadn’t exuded any semblance of real confidence as to the library’s actual location). Julie was on call therein that day, and we exchanged some lively and quite friendly banter while she looked up a more exact route to the local book depository. She was pretty amazed by the tale of my Walk and wished me well quite sincerely as I headed out the door. Then, to my most pleased surprise, and after I had only walked a few feet further along my way, Julie ran out of her shop and gave me the orange she had brought for her lunch that day (!!!) …

“Good luck!” ~ Julie
“I’m pretty fortunate that luck has very little to do with it.” ~ Me

As far as the giving of love is concerned, we need never wait for chance or disaster … If someone listens, or stretches out a hand, or whispers a kind word of encouragement, or attempts to understand a lonely person, extraordinary things always begin to happen … So let us all stride forth boldly today, and let us all allow love and life to become One!” ~ inspired by Eric Brende, Loretta Girzaitis & Henry Timrod