Day 110g: Peace is in the Acceptance … (August 17, 2019)

On the positive side, I did smoothly find the Edison Public Library. On the negative side, it had just closed a few minutes before my arrival (and no one inside would open up for my firm but respectful knocking. On the positive side once more, neither my gratitude nor my happiness were in any way dependent upon gaining entrance to its (temptingly peaceful-looking) interior, and I found myself simply smiling and shrugging my shoulders and walking onward along my Way …

At fifteen life had taught me undeniably that surrender, in its place, was far more honorable than resistance, especially if one had no choice in the matter … And this was rarely more true than with travel. You can’t work too much at getting somewhere, or it feels too much like work. You have to willingly surrender yourself to the chaos of The Way – to all the accidents and all the happenstances and the bounce and wobble and the flow of it all.” ~ inspired by Maya Angelou & Gayle Forman