Day 110b: Rambling along the roadway … (August 17, 2019)

Highway 1’s initially wide and smooth shoulder soon morphed into what would pass for my walk’s most common American trail – limp-provoking, litter-strewn, and super-thin rivulets of grass and dirt right next to a surprisingly busy roadway. At times I was given a brief reprieve of a somewhat wide pathway a bit farther from the racing traffic, and yet I found myself soon wondering how I was going to make it all the way to Chattanooga along paths this treacherous & painful …

So maybe that’s what settling into this world means. To simply, even as hard as it often is, settle into your own way of living — your own pace, your own rhythm, your own route — and not think too much about the walking of the same. Just wake up and aim for the proper horizon and let your legs plod steadily in that direction. Travelers through life – like pilgrims on their pilgrimage – should ever remember that there is a stark difference between what we aim to achieve and what we wish for ourselves along the way; where you’d like to go and who you’d like to help versus what you’d like to do and how you’d like to do it. I’m learning each day to not wish for myself, but just do for others. And this has made all the difference.” ~ inspired by Charlotte Eriksson