Day 110a: Celebrating real Freedom … (August 17, 2019)

It was another 5am wake up call from life on this day and I rose surprisingly smoothly from the church’s front stoop to begin the day’s walking. Passing by the East Jersey State Prison was a bit disconcerting, and I paused to send thoughts of gentle compassion to the hundreds of inmates there – both the hundreds who had been wrongfully incarcerated as well as the hundreds of others (those who who actually did commit their accused offenses) whose confinement is not only ineffective but patently immoral (When oh when will we humans ever learn The Way of Compassion – the only way that actually works for peace?) … The Sun then began to rise as I trudged onward, looking for (and eventually finding) Highway 1, the thoroughfare upon which I thought I should be walking at this early stage of my American Journey …

The most important kind of freedom is the freedom to Be who we really Are. So often we trade in our realities for roles and trade in our senses for a show. We give up our ability to feel and interconnect and care, and in exchange, put on masks of ‘proper’ and ‘appropriate’ and ‘normal’ and ‘productive.’ There can’t be any large-scale revolution until we each engage a personal revolution, on an individual level. Before we can build a better and more just world, we have to awaken to a better and more compassionate self.” ~ via Jim Morrison