Day 110c: Counting all the colors … (August 17, 2019)

This proved to be an unusually satisfying stop and a seemingly normal fast food joint (I think this one was a Dunkin Donuts). I was pretty nondiscriminatory when it came to choosing the locales where I asked for water – sometimes it was office buildings, sometimes it was gas stations, and sometimes it was fast food restaurants. Whenever I was super hot &/or pretty thirsty, I would simply amble into the next building seen and ask for some water and the opportunity to sit for a bit. Sometimes the folks therein would engage me in conversation about my Walk, and sometimes they wouldn’t and I would just rest in silence. This was one of those latter times, and I found myself marveling over the beautiful cascade of colors seen – from the maroon & muntella paint on the restaurant’s walls to the glowing greens and reds and yellows beaming from the leaves of the bushes just outside the window. Here, too, right alongside a loud and dirty and glaring American highway, there was beauty. Here, too, there was Peace to be found …

Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for peace, which in turn is the only condition for any real sense of happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything – anger or anxiety or possessions or relationships – then we cannot be truly free … The day we let it all go and simply seek to love is the day we submit to the greater power of real Love. And the day the power of real Love overrules our mere love of power, the world will know real Peace … When we do the right thing – the thing for others as opposed to the thing for ourselves, then we get the feeling of peace and serenity associated with the same. Find this thing and do it every day – again and again and again.” ~ inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh, Mahatma Gandhi & Roy T. Bennett