Liminal Layover #02c (Madrid): A wondrously warm Welcome … (August 05, 2019)

After mentioning my Walk and a bit about its Way to the hotel’s front-desk clerk while checking in, I am then immediately showered with an almost reverent Kindles; an honoring of my Endeavor that I had rarely experienced up to that point – an honoring that would persist throughout the majority of the three days that followed. Hortensia, the hotel manager, was especially kind – encouraging me to sit a while in the hotel restaurant before heading up to my room, and having the restaurant staff bring me a delicious coffee & lovely fruit-plate to enjoy while I did so …

In all my travels, and even since my settlements thereafter, I have received much Kindness from others; gentle men & women to whom I shall never have any opportunity of making the least direct return of generosity. And additionally I have also received – and indeed still receive to this very day – numberless mercies from the Cosmos, the One that surrounds me and is infinitely above being benefited by my services. As to the aforementioned kindnesses provided by my fellow humans, I can only return the same or similar to their own fellows. And as for those mercies from sources more Divine, I can only offer thanks via a constant & vigilant readiness to help all my Brethren – human & animal alike – who might ever be nearby in need. For there is no doubt that mere verbal thanks or compliments, even those repeatedly offered loudly, cannot ever come close to satisfying our Soul’s summons to treat each other – and indeed the entirety of Creation – love & humility & respect.” ~ inspired by Benjamin Franklin