Liminal Layover #02b (Madrid): Walking a new town’s Wonders … (August 05, 2019)

And then I arrived in Madrid proper – and then I easily walked its pre-dawn & still relatively peaceful streets – and then I received without incident my replacement documents from the U.S. Embassy – and then I arrived with even less fanfare at the residence where I would be living during the short wait for my departing flight – the 4-star hotel room that Adam (the wonderful Pilgrim Friend I had first met just before Rabanal, and with whom I was blessed to share The Way with a number of times thereafter) had graciously gifted me …

I am not deeply grateful for my life’s blessings of pleasure or comfort. Rather I choose to be grateful for all the chances I took which have led me to my life’s greater paths … Some of these paths have called for remaining stationary in one particular place of solace & service, while others have summoned me to strike forth boldly into the day. And yet to the measure that I have used them all for Good, they all are now equally valued. This alternate dance I sway between making camp and roaming the seasons is simultaneously ancient and new – and always meriting great thanks … So let us never lose the innate curiosity of our inner toddler; a radiant appreciation for the astounding possibilities alive in every moment. Who we can be, what we can see, what we can feel and where it can all lead us. Let us be in love with our lives, everything about them and everyone in them.” ~ inspired by Lailah Akita, Gloria Steinem & Charlotte Eriksson