Liminal Layover #02d (Madrid): An austerity of Lack … (August 06, 2019)

And this is the lavish manner that breakfast was laid before me every morning for all three days of my stay. It was frankly somewhat off-putting to be showered with such an opulence of both softness & sustenance after such a long road that was so often filled with hardness and hunger, and yet I have no trouble admitting that it was still quite easy indeed to accept the same in the same smiling spirit of grace that Alex (the manager of the hotel restaurant) offered it …

Alex, the hotel’s restaurant manager

Today I choose to remember that every moment is sacred. Today I choose to be repeatedly mindful of every passing beauty and every offered generosity … Indeed, one of the greatest accomplishments of our Being is to recognize each day that we have all been freely handed two extraordinary gifts – gifts that we had no part in ourselves creating. The first of these is the set of gifts we have to offer others, and the second is the string of endless opportunities we have in which to give them … We can only finally have the peace of true Dignity when we realize that we are not on any one path for ourselves, but rather have been called to become a Path for others.” ~ inspired by Angie Karan, Craig Lounsbrough & Shannon Alder