Liminal Layover #01e (Santiago): Meeting again with Mate; onward to Madrid … (August 04, 2019)

It turned out that my dear friend Mate from Hungary – who I had first met way back in St. Jean Pied du Port and alongside whom I had been blessed to walk for several days across the expanse of northern Spain – had arrived in town a few days prior, and we were able to meet up once more in the plaza that afternoon; to share one final glass of red wine, to enjoy one final pilgrims’ meal, and to walk one final stretch of Camino together – as he accompanied me to the local bus station and my departure for Madrid that night …

We would all do so well to remember that there is always so much more to every person than mere flesh or costume; that if we but choose to see every other by the light of their glowing Soul, therein will ever be found a sheer beauty that illuminates the whole world … Some would say that who we meet along the way is more important than where we head or end up, and in truth they are not far from the mark. And yet even more important than who we happen to encounter during our travels is how we choose to meet them – with boldness more than timidity; with gentleness more than scorn.” ~ inspired by Aaron Lauritsen & Francis Shenstone

I know I am going to take a very long road; a road that will lead into deep darkness. And yet I also know that I cannot turn back or veer therefrom. For I have something mighty to DO before my End, and I must somehow see it through, whatever it might prove to Be … In truth, all each of us must decide is what to DO with the time we have been given … Even the very wise cannot see all ends, so let us boldly leap into each moment with daring acts of Love, and let the ripples therefrom flow onward where they may.” ~ inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien