Liminal Layover #01d (Santiago): A time to rest; a time to Realize … (August 03, 2019)

Much of the next day was spent tidying up my affairs, cleaning Sybille’s home & helping her with a few errands, reading Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, and generally soaking in the gratitude-ladled excitement of my soon-to-be-continuing Adventure …

I believe that life is often about perception and courage – the ability to perceive all others as opportunities to care, and the courage to then act accordingly. In truth, this is how good things come to those who act well; those who remember that the person we’re destined to become is the one we decide to be. I believe that having patience doesn’t make you a hero and I believe that not showing love evidences weakness, not strength. I believe that we are never as far away from people as the miles might suggest, and that where you start has almost no impact on where you choose to finish. I believe that it is impossible to be either under-dressed or over-educated. I believe that the cure for any malaise is humble kindness, and that we should never let either our dreams or our memories impede the same.” ~ inspired by Todd Smidt