Liminal Layover #01c (Santiago): Sitting again with Sybille … (August 02, 2019)

I headed then thereafter to another afternoon of service at the Ecumenical Open House for pilgrims, this time with Sybille in place of Alasdair, where much of the Goodness of the day before is lovingly repeated – setting up and cleaning up and attempting to Care for the Caregiver, smilingly re-routing merely curious pilgrims touristically while kindly offering local home-free artisans a place of rest & respite …

By allowing the group of people whom we call ‘loved ones’ to continually expand, we realize that this cherished gathering is actually limitless, and that it is only narrow-mindedness and superficial convention and fear that make us divide people into the mythical constructs of ‘friend’ or ‘foe; ‘safe’ or ‘stranger’ … Indeed, the openhearted traveler soon learns to see in every single person he encounters not only a potential friend but an actual one.” ~ inspired by Nicos Hadjicostis