Day 106o: A soothing salvation in Santa Marina … (July 29, 2019)

The little village of Santa Marina was next on the list today – the town where I had first thought to stop a few days prior, but where the cow-stench was simply too oppressive to do so. As previously mentioned, the fresh rains had made the area more olfactorily approachable on this day, and so I was indeed able to drop by Casa Pepa (pictured below) – an establishment that appeared vacant on the outside, and yet proved to be overflowing with jubilant pilgrims within (all hanging out there to take shelter from the day’s recent rainstorms). I sidled up to the bar and told one of the co-owners that I was simply looking for a glass of water and a place to briefly rest (my standard humble opening) while walking my Peace Pilgrimage, and she fluidly offered me a tiny table off to the side and a plate of fresh-cooked french-fries. Some lively banter then ensued with several pilgrims from neighboring tables, and The Way of selfless kindness was once again witnessed to a more-than-slightly receptive audience. Smiles and laughs and amazements were shared all around in the handful of moments that followed, and it seemed that all were most appreciative as I rose in gratitude to continue on my way …

All we truly own is the Truth within our Souls. Most of us want to follow its greater light, the light that ever shines upon the path of healing instead of destroying our earth – the path of being kind instead of ruthless towards others, and yet so many still refuse to exude the courageous integrity, the lion’s heart, required to follow that single Way towards true Enlightenment. Giving in to our lusts & fears, we bury our “gold” instead beneath the false value systems of our societies, and attempt to comfort ourselves with the notion that we have no power or responsibility for what is happening to others or our world. Of course, the starker reality is that we all have the Power of Light within us; the White Lion that always has the intention and the inclination to care. Awakening this greater You requires treating strangers like loved ones. This is best how we can let that Lion roar once more” ~ via Linda Tucker