Day 106p: A reverence for all Rainbows … (July 29, 2019)

I had heard from several pilgrims along The Way that there was a donativo refuge open to all pilgrims in the town of Vilaserio, and it seemed to be a pretty positive portent when I rounded a bend in the road and saw a glowing rainbow arcing down directly thereto …

Each man has only one genuine vocation — to find the way to his truer Self. And yet intriguingly enough, in order to do so that same man must come to the ultimate realization that discovering that Destiny required first abdicating the desire for the same; that as long as one was seeking Enlightenment solely to become enlightened, all Wisdom would remain at bay – that as long as one was seeking one’s Perfect Path in order to reach one’s own preferred destination, one would remain lost forever … In the much larger sense, then, we cannot hope to find or attain or create our Destiny. We can only humbly & selflessly participate in its gentle unfolding – and thereby alone arrive at its greater knowing.” ~ inspired by Hermann Hesse & David Richo