Day 106n: Grace fleetingly Given … (July 29, 2019)

The hamlet of Lago and its Mt. Aro hostel was next on the day’s list. This place had seemed inviting on its surface when I had passed by a few days previous – though the stench from the neighboring bovine slaves had dissuaded me from stopping by. Of course, giving the place the benefit of the doubt meant giving them a try today – a prospect made easier by the fact that the days’ rains had washed much of the town’s usual reek away. And yet oddly enough, on this day the cool condescension with which I was met by the hostel owner proved to be even more unpleasantly pungent than the malodorous combination of fear & dung could ever be, and so it was that – after bidding all present a sincerely warm adieu regardless – I flowed onward into the day …

People will be illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered … Love them anyway. While you are doing good, people will accuse you of selfish motives … Do good anyway. While you are showing kindness, people will often dismiss or ridicule or reject you … Be kind anyway. The work you are doing today might well be forgotten tomorrow … Do your Work anyway. Serve others selflessly and they might well attack you or insult you or lie about your deeds … Serve others anyway. Indeed, your best will often be criticized or condemned or condescended … Do your best anyway.” ~ inspired by Kent M. Keith