Day 106m: Waiting through the Rain … (July 29, 2019)

I then flowed into the hamlet of Ponte Oveira just as the rain began to pour down, and found myself fluidly pausing under a neighboring grape arbor to smilingly wait out the passing storm …

Two of the more difficult tests on any Spiritual Path are 01) the courage required to meld with whatever is – the wherewithal to pause when it is time to pause, and the courage to go when it is time to go, and 02) the humility required to embrace whatever comes without the taint of rush or disappointment … This is what it means to walk like the river; knowing that there is never a hurry, while also understanding that onward we must ever flow … Pilgrims, like rivers, know that the most courageous thing we can do is often not stubbornly standing our ground, but graciously giving in to the heavens.” ~ inspired by Paulo Coelho, A. A. Milne & Richelle Goodrich