Day 106h: Same crossroads; same Choice … (July 29, 2019)

And then it was that I ambled up to the same Great Crossroads – the intersection where the pilgrim must choose to either walk to Finisterre or to Muxia; ultimately onward to the other anyway; and then inevitably back towards Home. And so it is, really, with any of Life’s major decisions – all of them seemingly demanding a dramatic choice that opens one door while closing the next; all while hiding the fact that the specific choices we make are all ultimately irrelevant; that the only thing that matters in the End is the End towards which we choose to Journey and how we choose to tread our paths thereto* …

The most important kind of Freedom is the Freedom we can never lose – namely, the Freedom in every moment to be what & who we truly are. So many of us trade in our realities for mere roles. We trade in our sense of Self for a mere act. We give up our ability to feel and connect and love, and in exchange, put on a plastic mask. In the end there won’t be any large-scale revolution until we each embrace a personal revolution, on an individual level. Justice will only happen on the large scale after Integrity is embraced inside … And this is how we are to walk through Life. And when we are walking in this mode we rediscover the immense vigor of starry night skies, and the surrounding swirls of elemental energies, and the losses & loves of all fellow beings nearby. And when we allow ourselves to walk this way, our internal appetites naturally follow suit. These latent greater longings are enormous, and our minds & our bodies will never know peace until we walk them. When you have the courage to embrace the larger world and stride forth into its midst; when we have the guts & the humility to step outside and slam the world’s door behind us, then & only then will there be nothing left to hold you. Pavements will no longer constrain your steps and enemies will no longer provoke your hatred. Every crossroads will shimmer with glorious possibility – and you will shine no matter which road you choose.” ~ inspired by Jim Morrison & Frédéric Gros

*Just like this particular intersection, life is not about which particular path we take – or relationship we engage – or job we take – or friendship we embrace. No, in the end these and all similar choices are but window dressing on the one & only Choice we all have – to make life either about ourselves or others.