Day 106g: Living while walking through Life … (July 29, 2019)

This is life – choosing to love through loss. Seeking warm pockets in the bitter cold. Finding the worth of offering a smile on a cloudy day. Carrying the weight of others’ worlds on already weary shoulders … This is life – sorting through layers & layers of words all staring you straight in the eye. Fighting a battle to be Right when tempted to be wrong, to be Good when tempted to be bad, to be Grateful when when tempted to pine & yearn need, and to know Joy when tempted to curl up & cry … This is life – valuing things of no worth. Reevaluating dreams to let them all fade. Laboring ceaselessly against the currents of greed & injustice. Seeing much, wanting none, having enough, giving all … This is life.”~ inspired by Richelle E. Goodrich