Day 106f: Undumbed down in Dumbria … (July 29, 2019)

I walked on & on & on into the day, through the town of Senande and then into the hamlet of Agar – where I suddenly & quite clearly realized that I had fully lost my way (noting at some point that all of the Camino way-markers had completely disappeared). I responded far more fluidly this time upon realizing the same, smiling and shrugging my shoulders and simply walking on generally westward, and after a short spell of strolling I entered the village of Trasufe and found The Way once more. Dumbria was the next mini-metropolis I encountered thereafter, and I intentionally paused there in its church-straddled central square to offer up a humbly Faith-full pronouncement of gratitude – both for that particular day’s progress, as well as for the many well-met grandeurs of The Way itself* …

[T]he route of any pilgrimage should ever serve its foundational spiritual goal. This grander aim may be simple and it may be manifold, and yet no matter how it is known or walked or relayed, it will in any given moment always exude at least one of five different facets: service to others, supplication to the Divine, gratitude for life itself, wonderment of one’s surroundings, &/or atonement for past misdeeds … In the largest of senses – the sense that completely transcends all the limitations of organized religion &/or personal aspiration – this is The Way of Christ, and if those nearby have chosen to deviate from the glowing path that Jesus has laid before us all, then it is for us to take up the baton and continue racing for Love … And what should we do when different people’s intuitions or revelations conflict with our own? How can we know which of the many purportedly sacred texts or spiritual convictions — whose assertions so dramatically & so frequently contradict one another — are in fact holy & correct? Simple enough – whenever words contradict or guideposts contravene, let us ever remember that LOVE is always the answer and that LOVE leads never astray.” ~ inspired by Lois M. Bujold, Sunday Adelaja & Alan Sokal

*It is worth noting here that the Faith I reference herein was not at all religious in nature, but rather was related to my wholehearted belief that humble, selfless acts of Love & Kindness always bear the Good Fruit of Peace – not always for the one doing their giving, and yet always in some way for someone somewhere at some point thereafter … Similarly, whenever the reader sees me “praying” herein, it is not to any external or conscious or spiritual entity or godhead, but rather is being uttered directly to (and in humble appreciation of) the grander flowing Oneness of the entire Cosmos instead.