Day 106i: Offering thanks to every Space … (July 29, 2019)

And then began a string of encounters that was deeply magical – a series of returns to places recently visited; each one providing a fresh opportunity to embrace anew what had been given or denied. And first on the list was the hostel at Logoso, the lovely place that had fed me graciously and allowed me to sleep soundly in their neighboring construction site after an exhausting 40 mile day of trudging along The Path. Neither Tomita nor Juan were on hand when I walked in to offer my heartfelt words of gratitude, and yet those words were offered wholeheartedly nonetheless …

Let all parents then bequeath to their children not material riches but a spirit of reverence … The love in your eyes, the pain you relieved in me, and everything else freely given is all I am now. Two months rush by like raindrops in a storm, and today our paths have parted. And yet speak never to me of goodbyes or even vaguely mention the supposed distances between us. For in your heart – as you in mine, will I ever remain.” ~ inspired by Plato & Rolf van der Wind