Day 106c: The smile in all our Walking … (July 29, 2019)

Sometimes walking means getting lost on a particular path, whereby you are inevitably led to return to a more meaningful version of yourself. Getting lost not only gives you the opportunity to boldly keep going anyway, it also grants you the more pointed knowing of a world that is at heart ever smiling. Getting lost happens to us all, and yet for those who embrace the same fully & humbly, getting lost becomes the water of life itself … Everything ultimately reclines and fades away; possessions and property and love and faith — even our notions of God ultimately die to an evolution of experience’s greater understanding. And yet there remains a form of self that stays constant – a form that no one can diminish or buy or steal; a form that is the foundation of your truest Self no matter where you are or with whom you might travel. And this form is your breath – the breath that ever connects the inclinations of your Heart with the perceptions of your mind. So awaken to this form, my dear friends; awaken and use it for Good & Harmony, before your last departure arrives … In truth, we are all on a pilgrimage in the journey of life and we are passing through this Earth but once. As such, our travels should be composed of sacred bliss. Let us smile then in all our walking” ~ inspired by Jayita Bhattacharjee, Ehsan Sehgal & Lailah Akita