Day 106b: The one & only Way … (July 29, 2019)

Very soon after departing I came to this unmarked intersection in the road. It had been many weeks since The Way had been so poorly marked (Switzerland had been a constant orienteering adventure) and I had long-since forgotten the frustration & dis-ease (instinctual anxiety, even?) that comes from not clearly knowing one’s imminent route. And yet this too proved to be a Great Blessing – allowing me to remember A) that, even though I was indeed loosely following the Camino’s path, I had no set route or destination, B) that all I had to do “get where I was (ultimately) going” was to rise each day and follow the setting Sun, and C) that my Journey’s success would never be predicated on “continuing onward” or “following the correct path” – that I would Succeed even if I didn’t walk another step; as long as I continued to invest all the Love I had to share in every encounter I was blessed to share it …

Life is a series of continual, natural and spontaneous shifts. Avoid resisting or trying to control them, for doing so only creates stress & sorrow. Instead, simply let reality be reality. Smoothly strive to bring harmony to your world, yes, and yet do so while allowing things to flow naturally forward in whatever way they are determined to flow … It is wise to remember that nothing can last, not even the Earth itself. Buddha was quite correct in saying that suffering is caused by attaching to desire, and that as such letting go of any & all longings &/or hopes or expectations means the cessation of suffering as well. Indeed, whenever we stop wishing things wouldn’t fall apart, we stop suffering when they do.” ~ inspired by Lao Tzu & John Green

Grant me the serenity to accept the challenges I cannot change, the courage to amend the ones I can, and ever the wisdom to know the difference.” ~ via Reinhold Niebuhr