Day 106a: To wake & swallow the Sun … (July 29, 2019)

Michele had made it firmly clear that mornings in the monastery were “silence soaked” until 10am, and that if I wanted to stay the night there I would have to agree to remain quietly in the hostel until everyone had awakened and we had all eaten a late-morning breakfast together. Even though I staunchly preferred to awaken each morning well before dawn and set forth on The Road while it was still dark (and uber-peaceful), it was quite easy to humbly & fluidly accept Michele’s offer anyway. And so it was that – even I still woke well before dawn on this day – I stayed for quite some time at the monastery before setting out again – long enough to do some writing and take some pictures and enjoy a long hot shower and stroll a bit through the monastery grounds before everyone else eventually rose and enjoyed a truly wonderful & deeply heartfelt breakfast together. And then, with the Sun already risen on my next new day, I gave everyone a huge hug farewell, and walked back onto The Way …

I have drunk the night and swallowed the Sun. I am dancing with abandon this morning and singing with full-throated rapture. I look about me and there is not a thing I do not adore, not a person I have not forgiven, and not a being I do not love. I am immersed in this Universe of love, this Universe of light & laughter. Today, like every day, I am living amongst old friends while returning ever homeward. The grasses below and the birds above are all witnesses to the way I walk the world.” ~ inspired by Kamand Kojouri