Day 105q: Sisters & Brothers from Mothers other … (July 28, 2019)

And so it was that yet another day of my Walk ended in camaraderie and tenderness; surrounded by yet another small troupe of my far greater Family (Michele & Adrian & Ana & Chiara) – cutting carrots and breaking bread and sipping wine and laughing heartily and telling tales tall with Love & Kindness; witnessing to each other the power & purity of our past paths tread – paths once separate, yet now paths truly shared …

(owner Michele & hospitalero Adrian)
(hospitalera Ana)
(hospitalera Chiara)

Please remember today that you are powerful, for we all need you to be the same. In truth, our planet needs all of us to show up and show out – to see & claim our birthright of its far greater globe-spanning Community. The simple act of practicing kindness – especially towards strangers &/or the downtrodden, and doing so regularly and recklessly, is our invitation to a new and greater life. It is an invitation that ever offered to all, and it is an invitation that is now up to you to embrace … Remember today that you are beautiful, and yet also remember that your Beauty is not who you are on the outside, but rather is the wisdom and kindness you give away to save those Souls struggling like yourself.” ~ inspired by Josie Robinson & Shannon Alder